All children are gifted in their own ways! However, many public schools (and some private or preparatory schools) require specific testing in order to identify whether or not a child meets the gifted and talented program criteria. Gifted children may present with some of the following characteristics: -learns rapidly, easily and efficiently -provides very alert, rapid answers to questions -wide range of interests -curious and inquisitive -interested in novel tasks -self-starter, demonstrates good self-discipline, and needs minimal outside control -resourceful and able to solve their own problems by ingenious methods -exhibits originality and curiosity about objects, situations, or events -shows superior judgment -makes sound educational guesses -retains and uses information heard or read -uses a large number of words easily and accurately -shows interest in cause-effect relations -independently learns and explores new ideas -learns at a faster rate than peers -completes work faster than peers -masters academic skills with minimal to no repetition or instruction. -may become bored in class due to finishing work quickly, with nothing left to stimulate their minds (which can sometimes lead to behavioral concerns in the classroom). Identification of a child’s giftedness is vital to their academic and functional performance in school. Once teachers and parents are aware of the child’s cognitive and academic strengths and weaknesses, they can supplement their learning plan with the appropriate level of challenging class work and enrichment activities.
Prices range between $500 to $1,600, depending on the child’s individual assessment needs.